
JG Summit Holdings, Inc.

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  • JG Summit Holdings, Inc.
    Börse Amerikanscher Freiverkehr OTC oder "Pink Sheets"
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Mitarbeiter 23.982

JG Summit Holdings, Inc. underperformed den DAX um -68 % vom 01.10.2014 bis 03.09.2021

13 News & Informationen zur JG Summit Holdings, Inc. Aktie

  • Gokongwei Group protects employees with COVID vaccination

    Gokongwei Group protects employees with COVID vaccination

    Diversified conglomerate JG Summit Holdings Inc. (JGSHI), along with affiliates Robinsons Retail Holdings Inc. (RRHI) and Summit Media in the Gokongwei Group, continues with its efforts to capacitate its workforce against the threat of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through its COVID Protect vaccination program. “This initiative of the Gokongwei Group is in…


  • DoST-SEI, Gokongwei Brothers Foundation link up for youth innovation plum

    DoST-SEI, Gokongwei Brothers Foundation link up for youth innovation plum

    DoST-SEI, Gokongwei Brothers Foundation link up for youth innovation plum

  • URC starts vaccinating workers

    URC starts vaccinating workers

    Universal Robina Corp. (URC) has begun vaccinating its workforce, as it pursues its role in keeping the Philippines’s food supply chain robust amid a still lingering Covid-19 pandemic. URC, one of the Philippines’s largest food and beverage firms, is aiming to have 70 percent of its more than 33,000 workers…

  • Gokongwei joint venture obtains BSP license

    Gokongwei joint venture obtains BSP license

    SINGAPORE-headquartered digital banking group Tyme Ltd. announced last Tuesday its joint venture with the Gokongwei Group called TymeBank has obtained a license from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). In a statement dated August 17, Tyme said the BSP has approved operating banking application “GOTyme.” The statement said the application…

  • JG Summit books P1.7B income in first half

  • DoT backs government infra program to boost tourism

  • DoT backs govt infra program to boost tourism

  • Improving air connectivity to boost tourism–Puyat

    Improving air connectivity to boost tourism–Puyat

    IMPROVING air connectivity between tourism markets and destinations will help restore tourism to pre-pandemic levels. In a news statement, Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo Puyat said, “having world-class air, land and sea infrastructure such as the Clark International Airport (CIA) will help Philippine tourism bounce back sooner.” She joined President Duterte…

  • Asian FX rattled by Delta variant spread, baht at over 1-year low

  • Asian stocks, FX gain as Fed rate hike bets ease; peso falls

  • ‘Manufacturing resurgence to boost Meralco profits’

    ‘Manufacturing resurgence to boost Meralco profits’

    The Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) expects “better” profits for 2021 compared to last year due to improving electricity sales. “I think our volumes will be higher this year and I think profits will be better than 2020,” Meralco Chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan said over the weekend. In 2020, Meralco’s reported…

  • URC Facebook platform allows online orders

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