
CFOAM Limited

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CFOAM Limited underperformed den DAX um -126 % vom 30.06.2017 bis 19.11.2021

11 News & Informationen zur CFOAM Limited Aktie

  • ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s rising up amid adversity today?

    ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s rising up amid adversity today?

    Pizza dough and energy stocks outperformed as Brent crude oil prices hold above US$70/barrel, while the big miners came under pressure.

  • CFoam reveals key coal-to-carbon project achievements during June quarter

    CFoam reveals key coal-to-carbon project achievements during June quarter

    The June quarter has seen inorganic carbon foam manufacturer CFoam (ASX: CFO) achieve critical milestones on a coal-to-carbon project funded by the US Department of Energy.

  • ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s got bigger plans for their future today?

    ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s got bigger plans for their future today?

    ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s got bigger plans for their future today?

  • Closing Bell: More pain for investors as the ASX 200 falls for second consecutive day

    Closing Bell: More pain for investors as the ASX 200 falls for second consecutive day

    The Aussie share market has fallen for two consecutive days, down by 0.46% today. Seven sectors were down, while four rose. Utilities and Mining were the

  • ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s taking the ‘anti sex’ bed for a test run today?

    ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s taking the ‘anti sex’ bed for a test run today?

    Olympic organisers say the cardboard beds being used in the athlete’s village promote the use of recycled materials, but media reports suggest they are being used to deter competitors having sex with each other.

  • Closing Bell: ASX recovers early losses to close 0.17pc higher

    Closing Bell: ASX recovers early losses to close 0.17pc higher

    Closing Bell: ASX recovers early losses to close 0.17pc higher

  • Sydney COVID woes push share market down for the week

    Sydney COVID woes push share market down for the week

    It took a while to sink in but Sydney’s significant COVID-19 woes finally bore down on the Australian share market, leading it to a weekly decline of 0.4%.

  • CFoam enters US R&D partnerships to advance the use of carbon products in building industry

    CFoam enters US R&D partnerships to advance the use of carbon products in building industry

    Australian inorganic carbon material manufacturer CFoam (ASX: CFO) has entered into key partnerships with two US tertiary institutions based on enhancing the development of carbon products from coal.

  • CFoam forges ahead with disruptive technology to make carbon foam products from coal

    CFoam forges ahead with disruptive technology to make carbon foam products from coal

    Inorganic carbon foam material manufacturer CFoam (ASX: CFO) has updated the market on the progress of its US government-funded project as it moves towards commissioning equipment in West Virginia.

  • Closing Bell: Today’s biggest small cap movers on the ASX

    Closing Bell: Today’s biggest small cap movers on the ASX

    Closing Bell: Today’s biggest small cap movers on the ASX

  • CFoam’s coal-based products showcased at US National Energy Technology Laboratory exhibition

    CFoam’s coal-based products showcased at US National Energy Technology Laboratory exhibition

    CFoam’s (ASX: CFO) exposure in the United States market has broadened after it showcased its technologies to US Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Senator Joe Manchin.

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