
Norwest Minerals Limited

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Norwest Minerals Limited underperformed den DAX um -91 % vom 29.11.2018 bis 03.12.2021

15 News & Informationen zur Norwest Minerals Limited Aktie

  • Gold Digger: Where do we go from here?

  • Gold Digger: Is sentiment slowly returning to the gold space?

    Gold Digger: Is sentiment slowly returning to the gold space?

    Perhaps sentiment is making a tentative return, with good news stories turning the dial for several ASX gold stocks – including an IPO — over the past week.

  • Gold Digger: Here are August’s top performing gold stocks

    Gold Digger: Here are August’s top performing gold stocks

    Gold is one of the year’s worst performing metals, but we are living through a commodities super cycle; ‘worst performer’ is not as bad as it sounds.

  • Gold Digger: Northern Star’s share price down 30pc for FY21, despite posting +$1bn profit

    Gold Digger: Northern Star’s share price down 30pc for FY21, despite posting +$1bn profit

    It’s hard to argue with those experts who reckon gold stocks are cheap right now.

  • Gold about to hit next leg of bull market and stocks are cheap, expert says

    Gold about to hit next leg of bull market and stocks are cheap, expert says

    After 12 months of price consolidation, we are entering a new stage of a gold bull market which Barry Dawes believes “will take it much, much higher”.

  • Gold Digger: Bulls vs Bears – which team are you on?

    Gold Digger: Bulls vs Bears – which team are you on?

    The Bears say this latest selloff makes it “difficult to remain bullish on gold”. The Bulls say it’s a turning point. Which camp are you in?

  • Norwest shareholders back $5m raising to advance exploration

    Norwest shareholders back $5m raising to advance exploration

    Shareholders have demonstrated their confidence in Norwest Minerals by taking up more than 80% of the shares available under its $5.02m entitlement offer.

  • ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s basking in the warm glow of $1 trillion today?

    ASX Small Cap Lunch Wrap: Who’s basking in the warm glow of $1 trillion today?

    Prices for base metal prices – nickel, lead, zinc, tin, copper — mostly rose after US lawmakers approved that mammoth US$1 trillion infrastructure bill.

  • Gold Digger: Gold regains the crown if crypto crashes

    Gold Digger: Gold regains the crown if crypto crashes

    Apart from being complete carnage – potentially another subprime mortgage-like crisis — gold would be the true beneficiary of a crypto crash.

  • Norwest Minerals (ASX:NWM) hits base metals, gold at Marymia East

    Norwest Minerals (ASX:NWM) hits base metals, gold at Marymia East

    Norwest Minerals (ASX:NWM) has intersected base metals and gold at its Marymia East project in Western Australia.

  • Q-Wrapz: Barry FitzGerald interviews Charles Schaus, CEO of Norwest Minerals (ASX:NWM)

    Q-Wrapz: Barry FitzGerald interviews Charles Schaus, CEO of Norwest Minerals (ASX:NWM)

    Norwest Minerals is a WA gold-copper exploration company focused on its Bulgera gold, Bali Copper and Arunta West copper-gold projects in WA.

  • Gold Digger: The top performing junior gold stocks for July

    Gold Digger: The top performing junior gold stocks for July

    Strong consumer buying and modest institutional investment helped create gold demand of 955.1 tonnes over Q2 – a 9% rise from Q1 2021.

  • Gold Digger: The big Aussie miners are raking in cash. What about the little guys?

    Gold Digger: The big Aussie miners are raking in cash. What about the little guys?

    It’s reporting season, and the big Aussie gold miners are sitting pretty. But what about some of the smaller ASX gold producers? It’s a mixed bag.

  • Gold Digger: It’s time to get fired up about the ‘Green and Gold’

    Gold Digger: It’s time to get fired up about the ‘Green and Gold’

    It is no longer just lip service — to create max value for shareholders, miners know they need good Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) credentials.

  • Gold Digger: Is gold the ‘ultimate contrarian investment’ right now?

    Gold Digger: Is gold the ‘ultimate contrarian investment’ right now?

    Gold is extremely undervalued right now, “and no one seems to be paying much attention”, investment advisory firm head Frank Holmes says.

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